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Prayer and Share is most weekends, please email to attend Prayer and Share 

​Prayer & Share -Feb 22 - March 8, 15, 22 - Apr 12, 19, 26


Kairos 67 dates are May 15-18

Team Meeting Dates are:

March 22, April 5&19, May 3 - at TBA

May 14 at First Presby Palestine

May 24 is Instructional for all inside team #67


Contact Paul Fulgham to be on team 


Future dates

Interviews for Weekend #66 - April 16-18 2025 8am - 6pm

Kairos Weekend #66 May 15-18 2025 8am - 6pm

Instructional May 24 2025 8am - 2pm

Summer Celebration July 12 2025 8am - 2pm

Mission Statement –

“The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.”

Vision Statement –

““A community spiritually freed from the effects of imprisonment reaching all impacted by incarceration, through the love, hope, and faith found in Jesus Christ.”

A Personal Testimony of Faith

A Personal Testimony from Jacob Reyna one of the former Kairos Artists

A Kairos Inmate Testimony:  


"I can never repay Kairos for what it has done for me. I came to the Kairos weekend filled with hate, anger and deceit. I only came because I heard that there would be good food, but I didn't want anybody in my face about God. But as I began to hear these volunteers talk about how God loved me so much that he sent Jesus, His own son to die in my place so that I would be free, something started to happen to me. I began to experience a kind of love that I had never seen or felt before. I now understand that it was the love of God, offered to me by His people. I made a mess of my life and ended up in prison. My family abandoned me and society had written me off. I was worthless, and I felt that way. Life had lost all meaning for me. I was like a balloon with nothing inside. But these Kairos volunteers fed me with the Word of God, and now I hunger after Him. I will be forever grateful to Kairos for showing me that the way to freedom is through the cross of Christ."

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

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