I hope this help with the weekend God is getting you ready for:
PRAY and Pray often – you will have everything go wrong – Let go and let God – People will drop/get sick/whatever – God is forming HIS team and HIS schedule, not yours – When count, recount and whatever else happens – Its God adjusting HIS schedule – I would suggest not fighting him on that HAHAHA
Pray daily for:
A. a spirit of obedience and sacrifice of your self-will.
B. God's purposes fulfilled in the Team and the Candidate's lives.
C. the exact Team Members that God wants on this team.
Before you are leader, you will be Observing Leader - DO NOT recruit before your weekend starts
1) Think about who you want to serve as your lead Clergy - they have to have served on team at least once
2) Start thinking about your Main St Elsewhere positions - Agape, Inside Coordinator and Music persons - lots to do and some will already be on leadership track
2b) the others (table, talks, steward, chapel and EI) are easy to fill
2c) 3 Day Weekends On-line - Palanca/Prayer Vigil Request Menu sign up the weekend to get Agape and prayers
3) Runner Drivers - need someone with a truck - but someone will need to get all the three large white trailers as well as getting food/agape to prison, but this could be several different people
4) While being observing leader, Call Leader once a month or so just to see if there is anything you can do to help- As the Team meetings get closer you will get busier – TAKE NOTES!
5) Think about where your team meetings will be and reserve your rooms and book your meeting dates - also think about lunches - sunday school or church groups or other Kairos groups are good to reach out to
6) Also think about who your Outside/Support leader will be - this is normally told to you by them haha
7) TAKE NOTES during team meetings while being observing leader – this will help shape the schedule for weekend and team meetings when you are leader – ESPECIALLY during the weekend, TAKE NOTES on time, schedule, etc etc to help you when its your time to work in Ezra for your weekend.
8) Think about your Interview team aka who will not be on your weekend – They select the 42, alternates, stewards and the 4th day speaker
9) One month before being observing leader (7 months from your weekend), order Ezra - http://mykairos.org/order.html
10) AKT Training must be done before Observing leader weekend – sooner the better - fill out the form http://mykairos.org/docs/kpmi/akt_registration_form.pdf
ask UAC to pay for it - Also ask them for the Leaders Application